Thursday, July 23, 2009


OK, so it's been a long time since I've posted anything here, but I've been busy with a job that doesn't allow a lot of time to digest the news, however the excrement is piling up, so I thought I'd post a few things that are really making me angry.

First, Obama. Pretty much everything he does makes me angry, but it's just getting maddening! The way this guy can lie (yes, LIE) with such a straight face absolutely puts Bill Clinton to shame! Take for instance this disaster coming up that will be National Health Care. Nearly everything Obama has said about it is untrue! He says you can keep your current private health plan, the problem is if you lose your job or change jobs you then have to go to the public plan. That doesn't even take into account how many companies will simply drop their insurance coverage and offload it all to the government. I don't believe for a second that everyone will get full health care even with preexisting conditions. We've already seen it in Britain and Canada, people who don't get the very best operations or treatment because "it's just not worth the money to do it to someone who won't live much longer anyway." And how will spending billions (more likely trillions) lower costs? Perhaps Biden can explain it since he said that we have to spend more money to lower costs. Where is it going to come from? We're all damn near broke as it is, and the rich, despite the stereotype, don't have a bottomless pit of money for the government to confiscate; eventually even the rich will run dry.

The latest Obama statement to piss me off was just yesterday. In a press conference on health care he was asked about the arrest of the [black] Harvard professor in his own home. I don't want to go into the details about the case, you can find all the information online. What Obama said was he didn't want to comment because he "didn't have all the facts" but then commented anyway saying the police "acted stupidly." If you don't have all the facts how do you KNOW the police acted stupidly? He then went on to infer this was all racial (despite the fact one of the arresting cops was black) and that there has been a long history of police brutality against blacks in this country.

What is with this guy! He's a complete man-child who is angry at white people. It's out there for us all to see, he's got a grudge against white people, he views whites as all racist. For the PRESIDENT to come out and say what he said is so immature, so tacky, so uncalled for, but Obama gets a free pass on it. 

The stimulus bill, now there's another thing I'm more angry at every day. We were told this bill had to be passed immediately so the economy could get back on track. The problem is most of the money is not even spent until next year, but the bill had to be passed immediately. (Of course I know that even if all the money was spent in the first month nothing would have happened, and nothing will in 2010 either). But the money that is being spent now is being spent on millions of pounds of pork and cheese for homeless shelters. How does this stimulate the economy? Sure, some farmers will make a little money off of this, but that's it, it's spent, that's the end of it, no real stimulus, no long term stimulus for those that even got the money.

I also just got word today stimulus money is being used to install automatic start/shut down equipment on train locomotives at my former employer, the Wisconsin and Southern. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are going to this project to reduce emissions. This money is from the stimulus bill, please tell me how this is stimulating? I know I sure as hell won't be getting my job back because the WSOR has fewer emissions! Wisconsin governor Jim Doyle claims that thousands of dollars will be saved in wasted fuel. Maybe, but I don't think it will be enough to matter as far as employment goes! The really stupid thing is that the railroad always shuts down its engines in warm weather anyway, and they can't be shut down in cold weather because they can't use anti-freeze, they have to be kept idling or they will freeze up. So really, what will this do? Not much more from the current situation.

Back to this health care bill. The secret is that it's not about health care, it's about government control of your life! How long will it take before they start denying coverage because you smoke or eat at McDonald's too much or don't exercise 30 minutes a day? Nearly everything you do can be said to affect your health, so if the government controls your health care and doles it out based on what you do, they now in effect have total control over your life! Forget supersizing that Big Mac, big government won't allow it.

And if you don't want health care you will be fined up to $2500 a year. Yes, that is correct, fined because you chose not to buy health care! It's in the current version of the bill. Doesn't that seem a bit intrusive?

I could go on with so much more, but these are the things that have been really irritating me lately. Most likely tomorrow there will be a new list.

1 comment:

  1. breathe. you're going to give yourself a hernia. :)

    so remember that conversation about why i don't like politics? yeah. that's why. like i said, just a bunch of liars who don't listen to anyone.

    however, at least you're getting it out and somewhat educating people like me who quite frankly don't give a flying fart about obama and biden and national healthcare, etc etc., even though i probably should because it IS my future after all. i guess i'll just keep depending on other people to keep me informed.
