Friday, June 12, 2009

What is the difference between our State run media and Iran's?

Reuters' coverage of the "election" in Iran is absolutely pathetic. How stupid do they take the world for? By the reporting you would really think that it was a fair election in Iran and that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad actually had a chance of losing. Ha! Haha!! Are you kidding me?

Just look at this coverage. "...Ahmadinejad, a hardline conservative,..." Are you kidding me? I guess if your definition of hardline conservative and tyrannical dictator are one in the same (and in this country I will guarantee that's what the media thinks!) then yes, Ahmadinejad is a hardline conservative. It then says his "challenger," Mirhossein Mousavi, is a moderate. Well, if that's the case does that mean that killings ordered by the state will now be reduced to brutal beatings? 

It gets better though as Reuters reports, "A bitterly fought campaign has generated intense excitement inside Iran and strong interest around the world, with policymakers looking for signs of a change of approach by Tehran, whose ties with the West worsened under Ahmadinejad." Do you actually think there was any kind of real campaign? There may have been a show campaign, but I hardly think there was anything legitimate. And why should we expect Tehran to change its views? Ahmadinejad is a lunatic. Worse, he is a dangerous lunatic. The guy has denied the holocaust ever happened! He's says Israel has no right to exist and is actively working to obtain nukes to destroy them, all with the help of our own President Obama! Who would think Tehran would change?

And speaking of Obama get this! "Obama said his administration was excited about the debate taking place in Iran and he hoped it would help the two countries to engage 'in new ways.'" Oh. My. God. This is absolutely pathetic and dangerous. I can't believe this is just pandering to Iran and giving legitimacy to the "elections," I think Obama believes all this is real! I doubt Bush would have ever thought there was any real debate in Iran. No, Bush was grown up and serious and correct by naming Iran as part of an Axis of Evil.

Ahmadinejad is a threat mainly to Israel right now, but left unchecked he will be a danger to us and the rest of the world and Obama is letting him get away with it. There will be no "new ways" with Iran, not in reality. Ahmadinejad wants Nukes and Obama has said that there should be no one country that decides who can have nukes and who can't. He has said it's OK to share nuclear power technology with Iran because they won't use it for weapons. Yeah, right, I'm sure they would never try that. 

A lot of people didn't like Bush but at least he would have handled this like and adult and not like the selfish man-child Obama who will let Iran get away with whatever they want. It's scary.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Life in Perspective

Today I had a bit of a revelation. I realized that I'm only, that is only 25 years old. First a bit of background.

Since I've turned the age of say, oh, about 21, I've had a lot of new insecurities about myself. These were such things as I didn't feel I was achieving what I should be, that I was not on the path to success and a fulfilling life. That I was only one step ahead of other 21 year olds while at the same time being so far behind the other 21-year-olds I admired. I felt like a failure. This feeling has stuck with me. Until today.

Today my boss/friend (if that is possible!) made an off-hand comment that really stuck with me. He said I was really smart for being 28 years old. I said I was only 25. He said, "really, you're 11 years younger than me? Wow, I thought you were 28 or something. You're pretty smart for 25." All of a sudden it snapped into my head that indeed I was only 25. 25 years old is all!! What have I been in such a hurry for? Just think of everything that has happened since then! 25 years is not that long. That one comment has made me realize I still have a long time to focus on what I want to achieve. Why get hung up on 25? I have far more than another 25 years to become a successful American! 25 is nothing!

I may be in a job I dislike right now and may feel I'm going backwards but I have to look towards one of my heros, whom I know a lot of people despise but I absolutely love, Rush Limbaugh. Here is a guy that was fired seven times, seven times! So many of those times he was told  he would never make it radio, he would never amount to anything. And yet here he is, in his late 50's, a huge success, rich, and hated by half the country. My dream, of sorts! What if Rush had given up at 25 years old? He'd be nothing but a loser in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, instead of the huge success (in spite of a lot of people) in Palm Beach, Florida. 

25! Not even a quarter century and I felt like a failure! All it took was an offhand remark to again make me feel like I am on the right track.