But instead of getting serious about actually turning this recession around what is happening instead? Obama's busy making fun of Special Olympiads, bowling, and laughing at the economic situation. Barney Frank is busy shutting down debate in the House and plotting ways to take over more business and target private citizens for destruction. Unions are busy pushing card check so that they can gain more members through intimidation. Anti-capitalists are busy protesting AIG executives and vandalizing property. And all of it's a distraction.
Yes, a distraction. It's all meant to get us looking the other way while the government grows and amasses more power and takes away more of our freedom. While we're busy being mad about contractually obligated bonuses to AIG execs (who can't raise our taxes or pass more regulations) Barney Frank and Obama are coming up with plans to nationalize more business. And as the economy worsens day by day Obama offers up feel good solutions and we gladly give up more of our freedom for these solutions that do nothing that make it worse.
So when are we going to get serious? When are we going to actually cut taxes, both income and capital gains? When are we going to just let the weak businesses fail and the strong ones survive instead of throwing money down a bottomless pit? When are we finally going to stand up and say, "enough is enough! You got us into this mess so why should we think you can get us out."
ummm... I'd say the 31st of September.