What is the biggest hoax being perpetrated on the world today? Santa Clause? The Easter Bunny? No, those are actually believable compared to the real hoax. Give up? Manmade global warming. I'll say it again, manmade global warming. I'm sure you think I'm crazy, I mean the news media is always talking about how much pollution our SUVs produce and how warm the world is getting, so it must be true, right? Ask yourself this, how much other mainstream news do you fully believe?
In the April 2009 issue of National Geographic they may have inadvertently destroyed the entire argument for manmade global warming. In an article titled "Outlook: Extreme" by Elizabeth Colbert she opens with the rise and collapse of the Akkad empire in what is now modern day Iraq. Colbert determines that the empire fell due to a climate change that brought about severe drought to the area thus causing the demise of the Akkadians some 4,300 years ago, along with other civilizations. She then goes on to write this:
"The rainfall changes that devastated these civilizations long predate industrialization; they were triggered by naturally occurring climate shifts whose causes remain uncertain. By contrast, climate change brought about by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations is our own doing."
Now to the unthinking crowd, you know, the typical Obama voter, they will read this and go "Yeah! It's our own fault for causing climate change! We need to stop it!" To the thinking crowd there's but one question that must be asked; if natural climate change caused massive drought in the past then how could it be that climate change now is due only to us increasing greenhouse gas concentrations?
An even bigger question is who do we think we are? Do we really think that we, as human beings, able to actually cause a global climate change, and even more arrogantly, able to stop a climate change? Look out your front yard. You mow the grass a few times a week, but it still grows back. You can douse it in herbicide, eventually something will grow back. You can't stop it.
One of the biggest problems the global warming crowd has now is that the earth's temperature has been cooling since 1998 (after a decade of warming that was pointed to as evidence of catastrophic climate change). Not only that but so little is actually known about weather it's almost impossible to really tell if the earth is indeed warming or cooling. Ask climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer, a former NASA scientist, he wrote an entire book on this subject called Climate Confusion. One of the biggest problems is the effect clouds have on weather. There is no way to measure global cloud cover and the effects it has on temperature.
So why all the hype on manmade global warming? Control. Yes, control. It's all about a certain group of people having control over every aspect of your life: what car you drive, what you eat, how warm or cool your house is, etc. It may sound like a conspiracy, but these are the same people that see someone eating a Big Mac and yell at them and question how they can eat such garbage. They don't like Big Macs and think they're disgusting garbage, and so therefore you shouldn't be eating them either. Look at smoking, all smokers have been demonized as rotten, disgusting, evil people by those who just simply don't like smoking (despite the fact smokers are funding children's health care through massive tobacco taxes).
Question every single thing you see about manmade global warming (or climate change). If it's not questions we'll soon wonder what happened to our freedom.